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Sports Management Worldwide (SMW) is committed to providing activities at its camps free of any form of discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment, where individuals are treated with respect and dignity. SMW will not tolerate either discriminatory, bullying or sexual harassment behaviour under any circumstances.This policy applies to behaviour occurring at any camps arranged by or on behalf of SMW when the behaviour involves directors, employees, coaches, parents and/or guardians of campers and campers themselves.



For the purpose of this policy, discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment are defined as follows:

Discrimination is any unjust or prejudicial treatment of campers, their parents or guardians, or of directors, coaches or trainers prospective made on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political opinion or on any other basis that a reasonable person would interpret as discriminatory.


Bullying is repeated behaviour directed toward a person or group of people, that a reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would expect to victimise, humiliate, undermine or threaten that person or group.


Sexual harassment is defined as behaviour that has a sexual element, that is unwelcome and that a reasonable person would judge as offensive, intimidating or humiliating to the person to whom it is directed. Behaviour constituting sexual harassment can take many different forms, including, but not limited to, unwelcome physical contact, or sexual comments, jokes and propositions. The behaviour may be a single incident or repeated. It may be explicit or implicit, verbal or non-verbal. Although the intent may vary, if it is unwelcome and/or the effect is to offend, humiliate or intimidate, the behaviour will be defined as harassment.



SMW will take all reasonable steps to prevent discrimination and sexual harassment and for ensuring its position is widely known by all those participating in Camps. SMW will ensure that appropriate procedures are identified to handle complaints of discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment. SMW will promote an awareness and understanding of this policy by:

  • Referring camp participants to the website and requiring them to acknowledge having read it; Encouraging reporting of discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment, regardless of who the offender might be.

  • Complaints will be treated confidentially, in an impartial, sensitive, fair and timely manner. Information and support will be available in cases of discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment.


    This policy and its procedures will be monitored and reviewed regularly.

    Disciplinary Action

    SMW may take disciplinary action against a person who is found to be in breach of this policy. Disciplinary action may also be taken against a person who victimises another person who has complained of discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment.


    The discipline will depend on the severity of the case and may involve an apology, suspension from participating in camps, including physical removal where appropriate or other form of action.



    SMW will keep confidential the names and details relating to complaints of discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment.


    Complaint Procedures

    Effective complaint procedures offer a range of options for dealing with discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment. SMW recognises that natural justice is the minimum standard of fairness to be applied in the investigation and adjudication of a dispute. A complaint may be handled in a variety of ways. SMW recognises that, as complex and highly sensitive matters, discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment are best dealt with informally with the aim of minimising any damaging effects. If an informal resolution is not possible it may be necessary to resort to formal procedures to resolve the complaint. 


    SMW encourages individuals who experience discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment to inform the person that the behaviour is unwelcome, unacceptable, contrary to policy and to ask that the behaviour stop.


    Individuals are advised to keep notes documenting occurrences of the behaviour including time, place and any witnesses. If the complainant chooses not to confront the person or if confronting the person fails to stop the behaviour, then the matter should be brought to the attention of SMW by email or telephone enquiry (Details below). SCA will then nominate a complaint officer as a first point-of-contact, to serve in an unbiased/impartial capacity to listen to the complaint, offer support, provide advice on procedures and refer to the SMW Board when appropriate.


    SMW recognises the importance of providing a choice of reporting mechanisms so that anyone with a complaint feels comfortable to come forward and discuss or report an incident. It is the right of the complainant to decide to proceed with a complaint and to choose who to contact in the first instance.


    When a complaint has been referred to the Board, a delegated member of the Board will inform the subject of the complaint of the nature of the complaint. That member will inform both parties of their rights and responsibilities in proceeding with a grievance, act as mediator/conciliator between the parties to resolve the complaint, and follow up after a complaint has been resolved to ensure there is no recurrence.


    Rights at law

    This policy is not intended to limit the rights of either party to settle a complaint between them by access to legal advice and procedures. SMW reserves the right to direct the parties to seek legal redress between themselves where SMW has been unable or is unwilling to facilitate a resolution.

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